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Mend Home Alarm Systems

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Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Alarm Wont Activate

my alarm wont activate?

we got a puppy and for 3 months did not set our house alarm (its a Da Systems abacus 8R) now it will not set at all, you used to put the number/code in the keypad to arm and disarm it. we also have an electric meter - i noticed that if the electric is cut by it running out of credit the alarm goes off and will not go on until power is restored - how do i get it to come back on - is it a battery thing? and if it is where do i go to get a new battery, with all this bad weather im scared i will have a power cut and have to listen to the alarm going off! when the electric did go off in the past you could turn the alarm off by putting in the code - when the electric went off this time the lit up screen pad has no life to put the code number in to deactivate the alarm without the main electric supply - please help!

February 2009
We had a blackout last week, since then the alarm is not working. My system is Veritas R8 on the security pad.There is light on the system.I enter the code nothing happens. Has the battery gone? Is it easy to fix it. I am scared if I temper it and the alarm goes, I do not know, how to stop it. Can you please help? Is it easy to change the battery?

February 2009
Hi Leesa, it easy to sort the alarm out, give me a ring and I will tell you what to do, BUT PLEASE ONLY RING BETWEEN 6pm & 9pm ONLY.

Joe, Alarm, Installer, Skegness, 07525922917
February 2009
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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