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Ford Mondeo Wiper Problems?


Anyone out there advise me on what my problem may be as i've had my car at 2 different garages and with what they say it's gonna end up costing more than my car to fix. Basically my front and rear wipers on my 2001 mondeo have packed in due to the snow and me being a pratt no clearing it off properly.
Basically they keep blowing the fuse when a new one is put in, the last guy even tried a bigger fuse, the wipers then moved but ended up blowing that as well so don't know if it's the motors or some other electrical problem as it almost blew his test meter as well he said. Anyone any ideas at all?


February 2009
hi go down the cheap route first by replacing the relay if that fails look at replacing the motors.

but if you say the both stop working at the same time then look at the relay first also check for any damaged wiring that may have got hot its unlikely but worth a look.

the other thing to do is unplug one the the motors put in a new fuse and see which one might be blowing the fuse a case of narrowing it down unfortunately its unlikely both motors have failed

hope this helps

February 2009
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