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Mend Rover Clicking Noise Turning

Wots wrong with my 1989 rover metro?

Continual clicking noise when turning the ignition, told to replace the battery, did that Wednesday. Ran well for 2 days. Went to start the car today and the clicking noise has returned and the car wont go at all! Had to push it onto the drive.

December 2005
If you look at the question "what's wrong with my discovery" the same could apply to your car.
Or the previous answer could be correct about the alternator. This would be easy to check yourself. Start the car whatever way you can bump start or jump leads. Now when engine is running turn lights on full now watching the headlight's rev the car up if the lights get brighter then the alternator is charging.
You say there is a continual clicking well this could be starter or at the worst the teeth on either the starter ring gear or even the flywheel are damaged or even broken.

December 2005
Check the battery is being charged by the alternator. A simple job for the likes of your local garage or KwikFit. Other alteratives are the solenoid or starter sticking.

December 2005
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