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Mend MP3 Players

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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Mend > MP3 Players

Mend Mp3 Computer Music

how can i fix my nextar mp3 player from saying disk error?

its a ma933a nextar mp3 and when i plug it into the computer it does nothing so i cant put any music on it. then when i turn it on i cant go to anything accept for my settings everything else i click on it says disk i cant listen to the music that is currently on the mp3 player

January 2009
I'm having the same problem with my nextar #ma715a-4r, the 4 gig one, except I will open it on my computer and my music folder will not show up, it says the device is almost full but that there is nothing on it. However, when I unplug it and turn it on, the music plays. It's rather frustrating. Trying going to the nextar site and troubleshooting, or find your receipt and return the stupid thing, yeh?

January 2009
Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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