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Mend Zanussi Washing Machines

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Mend Zanussi Start Door Interlock

Zanussi FJ1093 Washer will not start?

Many thanks to the person that responded on how to get the seal off my washer to get at the door interlock, I have removed the door interlock and dismantled it and this visually seems to be ok so refitted it so I presume there must be another reason why the machine is not starting. As I stated previously, the mains light is on but the washer will not operate in any mode. eg drain wash or spin. The interlock switch cannot be heard to click after closing the door and choosing an operation and the door light does not come on so I am thinking there is no power going to the interlock. Is there something which the machine checks before the interlock activates, such as a pressure switch or or is there a fuse somewhere within the machine. A circuit diagram would be very helpful. ps I am a qualified electro/mech engineer (but not familiar with washers) so no need to mention the safety side. Many thanks

Dave H
December 2008
I have now replaced the door interlock with a new one and as I suspected it is not the item at fault. It must be a feed to the door interlock and therefore there must be something else that needs to be activated first such as a pressure switch perhaps. anyone any ideas please

Dave H
December 2008
lots available on ebay for under £11 all inclusive p+p.its a 3 pin (tag) interlock but just count how many connections yours has to make sure

December 2008
Ok, I decided to short out the door interlock switching pins and it works now so unless the incorrect voltage is at the interlock pin then it is the interlock mechanism as you say. Going to buy one and see how it goes. Thanks

Dave H
December 2008
What sort of voltage AC/DC would you expect at the interlock pin. It appears that internally the interlock is activated by heat expansion which causes an internal lever to activate a spring loaded 'switch' and this pops out the plastic 'button' to lock the door latch in place. the 'switch' has contacts on it to allow the machine to run. Cheers

Dave H
December 2008
normally it is the door locks that fail.power goes through them.not sure you would visually see anything and i would change the door interlock and see if it works but i can see why you dont want to spend money if its not the fault.door lock has to power up and lock to allow power to rest of components so without a good lock you get what you are experiencing

December 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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