How can I fix a corroded battery compartment on a childs toy?
I have some Vintage battery operated toys (Sindy, Pedegree Dolls & Toys Ltd, washing machine unit, model no: 44482-001. Also Sindy Pedegree Fridge Unit model no 44487-001) which will not operate due to partly corroded or disintegrated battery connections. Is there anyway to buy, custom order (or make your own ) replacement battery connector plates? (Searches of hardware stores and electrical outlets have so far proved unfruitful.)
If they are corroded and not broken, you can use a burnishing tool or fiberglass pencil. part #'s 21-2020 or SABU10191
December 2005
Depends where you live.
If U.K then c.p.c, R.S components, Maplin Electronics etc.
If U.S then Tandy, Radio shack etc.
Or purchase an electronics hobbyist magazine and check out products and suppliers.
November 2005
I can answer this question...
How can I fix a corroded battery compartment on a childs toy?