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Mend Rover 25 Reg Key Fob Car

Rover 25 (X Reg)?

The electronic key fob has stopped working and I can't 'unlock' the car by it. I have tried a new battery in the fob and it still doesn't work. I dare not open the car via the key as it may set the alarm off and I have no means of turning it off. Is this problem fixable?

December 2008
Hi Alan
You can unlock the car with the key without the alarm going off, it does disarm the alarm, but only on the drivers side and is still ok to drive.

I had a Rover 200 with same problem, changed the battery and was ok... try to give the key fob inner conections a clean to maybe get any underlying dirt of the terminals.
This should then work..
Sounds a silly question, but have you put the battery in the right way.?
Hope it helps

December 2008
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