Nissan Micra Inspiration V Reg 1999 Power Steering Belt?
I have been told the belt on the left hand side is the power steering belt and alternator belt as if it is 2 in 1 but anyway... how do i fit in a belt on the left hand side... Is it something an amature can do? do i need tools HELP
has 2 belts as you look at engine from front right belt is alternator left one is power steering belt been few years but i msure you have take alternator belt off first then you can remove power steering belt as i nspecial tools none needed on alt just look under it yo uwil lsee adjuster slacken retaining bolts then slacken adjuster then remove alt belt power steering slacken retaining bolts and then adjusters a bit fiddly to do because not much room but you be ok just take time no problems good luck and while changing power steering belt might as well do alt to
December 2008
The auxiliary belt normally drives the alternator and power steering yes. Fairly simple to fit but yes you'll need tools, a spanner or two. Why not get your local garage to do it, it'll only take them minutes.
Chicks Fan
December 2008
I can answer this question...
Nissan Micra Inspiration V Reg 1999 Power Steering Belt?