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Mend Nissan Primera Cars

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Mend Nissan Primera

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We have 236 questions about mending 'nissan primera' in category Vehicles, Cars

How to mend ... Nissan Primera

Pages 12111098
Mend nissan primera working

nissan primera p12 indicators not working?

nissan primera p12 53 reg o/s and n/s indicators dont work then sometimes do for no apparent reason. Hazzard l... [Read more]
Mend nissan primera p12

Nissan primera p12 ?

My indicators have stopped working the hazards are fine just wondering if anyone can help me with this problem
Mend light nissan primera

How can I stop airbag light flashing on Nissan primera p12?

I have a Nissan primera p12 found a tiny screw under passenger seat since light came on. Any help appreciated
Mend estate plate light

Nissan primera estate p12 02 plate airbag light flashing? ?

Hi guys tried doing the ignition sequence a few times and got it off within the first time but went to start t... [Read more]
Mend chain nissan 2004

How to fix a camshaft gear chain?

How do I fix a camshaft gear chain on my nissan primera 2.2 diesel 2004
Mend nissan primera indicator

Nissan Primera Indicator?

Our 2004 Primera needs a new indicator bulb. How do we access the housing?
Mend nissan primera car

Nissan Primera SX, 2004,1.8L jerky when indicating left?

The car begin jerking with indicator on and goes when indicator cancelled. Also the Satnav screen beeps or dis... [Read more]
Mend car problem starting

Car problem starting ?

Put key in to start nothing happens lights on dash come on but car don't try to turn over . Try it a few times... [Read more]
Mend green screen showing

Nissan Primera green secure message how to fix pls?

Please tell me why my screen is showing a secure sign in the middle screen with a green background. It was all... [Read more]
Mend light airbag nissan

How I can light off for airbag nissan primera?

My car Nissan premera 2005 airbag light warning still when bil driven, how turn off the airbag light. thanks.
Mend manual work windows

How do you change the fan setting in a nissan primera to manual?

The fan won't work now as I think I've knocked something of and the windows are steaming up it's very hard to ... [Read more]
Mend cd player 2003 nissan

How to fix my cd player in a 2003 Nissan Primera 2184cc 139HP?

A cd got stuck. It makes a clicking noise & it will not budge. How can I fix it? Or replace the cd player?
Mend problem noticed lights

How can i fix my nissan primera electrical problem?

I noticed than when I am driving on the motorway and turn on my lights i loose the power to the accelerator! ... [Read more]
Mend revs cuts out

nissan primera keeps losing revs and cuts out ?

hi i have a Nissan primera 2 liter t-spec petrol 52 plate and when the engine is warm it doesn't like idling a... [Read more]
Mend side driver window

which fuses serve drivers side windows ?

The driver side front window dose not work, and I suspect that a fuse has blown as the window is newly fitted ... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

consol on nissan primera not working what do i tyr todo ?

nissan primera ve 2002 monitor consol not working no radio sat nav -nothingtried all fuses all ok help
Pages 12111098

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