From what you say the special black wire - the one you've left hanging - the one with the green/yellow sleeve on it is the switched live from the wall switch. It should have a sleeve on it and the sleeve should really be Red or Brown but don't take it off - you really need to know about this wire - it's special, scary and dangerous because it looks like a neutral but when the switch is on it's live!
This wire connects on its own with the wire - often Brown- going to the light bulb - just the two together - nothing else.
Three reds together is good - power in - power to next rose and power to the switch.
Two black neutrals together is good - one in and one out to next rose - but they also need to connect to the other side of the light bulb to complete the circuit so you need three wires altogether - the return from the bulb - often blue joins with these two blacks.
On the terminal strip in the ceiling rose you should have:
Three reds together in one block
Two wires Switched live - black with sleeve - and brown to light in one block
Two black neutrals and the blue from the bulb in one block.
The earths all together.
December 2008