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Mend Kenmore Washing Machines

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Mend Kenmore Series Washer

Kenmore 80 series washer making lous noise at end of spin cycle?

I have a kenmore 80 series washer. It has stopped spinning and upon opening the cab i noticed that the motor cupling was broken. I replaced the cupling and now everything works ok eccept that when the unit ends the spin cycle or if i open the lid durring the spin cylce it makes a really loud noise. as the tub slows down. seems like the shaft in the middle of theis stopping very quickly but the tub keeps going. takes about 10 seconds for the tub to stop and the noise ofcource slow as the tub does. Any1 know what I can do?

December 2008
I have the same problem with the same machine. I was told by a Sears technician (and another technician) to change the drive block/basket. I changed it but still makes the same noise. Any help will be greatly appreciated

March 2009
having the same issue, from my research it appears that there i a problem with the ,block,basket drive part needs replaced/ im still lookingto verify this is correct. there is a great utube video that shows exactly what is going on when the spin cycle stops the adgetator stops and the basket still is turning making the sound that you here, he explains that he changed the basket drive block to resolve this issue. good luck with your research

December 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Kenmore washing machines