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Mend Hotpoint Dishwashers

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Mend Hotpoint Dishwasher Panel

Hotpoint SDW60 Dishwasher query?

flashing lights 3&4 on my sdw60 dishwasher?
on the front panel of the dishwasher the lights 3 and 4 are flashing (eco-fast&dry) i had it just over a year and dont know whats wrong with it i tryed turning it on and of and that dont do nothing any help would be great thank you.

Michael Moore

Michael Moore
December 2008
eco and prewash light keep flashing how do I fix it

Andrew May
March 2015
water leaks from the dishwasher when it is running in rince mode. how do i fix it.

March 2013
Led lights 3 + 4 - Draining Timeout.
Drain pump taking to long to drain down.

Water filters my be clogged.
Mike Minh

Mike Minh
December 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Mend repair fix Hotpoint dishwashers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Mend repair fix Hotpoint dishwashers