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Mend Rover 25 Cars

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Mend repair fix Rover 25 cars

Mend > Cars

Mend Rover 25 16 51 Plate

How can i fix my Rover 25, 1.6, 51 plate?

It will not respond to the key fob (also tried spare). Locked it with fob returned 1 hour later to find it would not respond. I can unlock drivers door with key but the hazzards come on, i dare not try to start it incase the alarm sounds and i can not turn it off. Can you help me please.

Will from Beds
November 2008
could be a fault on the ecu.maybe exspensive to repair.replace battery in your fob and try again.

December 2008
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Rover 25 cars

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Mend repair fix Rover 25 cars