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Mend Hoover Freezers

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Mend repair fix Hoover freezers

Mend > Freezers

Mend Hoover Free Loud Noise

My refrigerator is very noisy - how can I fix this?

My Hoover 505 frost free refrigerator/freezer. works well - but it makes a very loud, annoying noise when the compressor is running. I have checked (where I can) that nothing is visibly rattling against the frame etc. but to no avail. Has anybody had a similar experience? How did you stop the noise?

November 2008
I am having the same problem. I have taken out the freezer drawers and removed the internal back cover. Behind this is the fan. The blades on mine were catching on the the plastic housing which is wearing away. I have pulled the fan forward so it misses the plastic which has allowed it to run quiet. However, this is not a permanent solution. Maybe I need to fit a new fan. Re-assemble. Maybe if I also tilt the fridge very slightly forward the fan will remain clear of the plastic housing and therefore not catch. Note, I know nothing about fridges, I am a general DIY'er

Pete Stafford
July 2010
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Mend repair fix Hoover freezers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Mend repair fix Hoover freezers