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Mend New World Gas Cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Mend repair fix New World gas cookers

Mend > Gas Cookers

Mend New World Timer Stopped Gas

how can i disable the timer?

I have a new world cooker where the timer/programmer has stopped functioning and is no longer available.

The programmer also stops the gas going to the oven if it is not working

How can I diable this programmer so I can use the oven again

November 2005
To do this you have to be careful as you also have a negative feed to the clock but on your clock you have a switch of sorts that completes the circuit you just have to bridge it but take care that you have the two correct wires and not the negative as it will cause a dead short.
November 2005
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Mend repair fix New World gas cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Mend repair fix New World gas cookers