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Mend Hotpoint WM72N Washing Machines

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Mend Hotpoint WM72N Error Help Outlet

WM72N Error code E15?

Help! I've got the error code E15 on my Hotpoint. I've checked the outlet pipe, cleaned the filter and de-silted the pump. Changed the control module and still I have failed to resolve the problem. Anyone got any other idea's what it might be? What advises the control module that the water has been emptied from the drum (pressure switch or sensor)?

August 2004
check pressure chamber as per eon's answer also check pump for blockage,there is a filter in drain hose underneath the drum
which could be blocked. code e15 is water not being pumped out quick enough.

January 2006
Not familiar with that exact model but I had exactly the same problem with my WD71. Strangely enough that error can occur when there is a problem with the water heater. THe best way to check is to remove the front of the washer (remove the plastic fasia with tthe buttons / knobs on and the plastic trim at the bottom and remove the six screws - after you have removed the door seal from the front panel). Once you have the front of the washer removed, you should see the heater's cover at the bottom of the drum. Remove the cover (my WD71 had a plastic bolt that held the cover on) and check the element of the heater for continuity with a multimeter. If the heater is open circuit - it is faulty. No Idea why a faulty element causes this error - but it does. The other thing you may want to check is the syphon tube that connects the pressure chamber (at the bottom of the outer drum) to the pressure switch. This is also accessible with the front panel removed. This tube can have a habit of blocking up which in turn prevents the control board from knowing when the water level has dropped.

December 2004
Hi Mike, Google is your friend!

search string: wm72n fault codes


The consensus is that the problem is to do with the machine emptying, possibly timing out that will happen after two minutes. You seem to be in the right ball park, so have a look at the pressure switch as well.

August 2004
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Hotpoint WM72N washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Hotpoint WM72N washing machines