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Mend Nintendo Ds Bottom

My Nintendo DS screen won't calibrate?

When using the bottom screen, if I use the keyboard eg in Pictochat, the letters seem out of place, ie if I touch 's' with the stylus I get 'a' this is the problem with all the letters on the top line but the middle line seems to be OK, bottom line is out in the same way as the top. I tried recalibrating the screen using instructions from Nintendo site but it just keeps resetting the test and won't complete the calibration. Any ideas?

Ali Bongo
November 2008
one way to test it is to use pictochat and color everywhere. then you can check where it isnt working and then search for dirt!!!


half solution
August 2014
it still wont work ive tried everything u guys have said anyone please HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps: Ive got the first ds ever made do u recon thats why ??????

some one please help as i cant really play my games proplerly

February 2011
my dad bought me a dsi cos he felt sori 4 brakin th touch screen wich dont work at all

September 2010
ive tried amy's solution n it hasnt workt

September 2010
My screen wasn't calibrating. I tried Amy's sugesstion and my screen is now calibrated Yea!!!

July 2010
I tried to calibrate my DS using the touch off idea but in the test the cal is off. i touch the about 1 1/2 squares away on the left + mark, Touch the right + mark exactly and touch middle 1 1/2 away, because thats how my DS "thinls" , It keeps sending me to the test part and is still un calibrated. What do i do now

July 2010
i do not have enough money to buy a new screen and i have tried cleaning, just earlier i was endlessly tapping at the screen of my DS for about half an hour. when i press the middle of the screen it does nothing and every other time this is really annoying as it keeps my brother quiet and i me to be honest, we cannot play any game that involves touching the screen, who has a good option for this? i cant be bothered to tap at the screen for more than 10 minutes and i dont get what you mean by tapping further then closer? i am glad others have this problem too but i dont know what to do about it, is there any help out there? :(
(p.s - i cannot afford a new ds, screen or case so please dont just say that) thank you everyone and please dont post stupid comments like dont have a DS, cause those people need to grow up to be honest :) i love you guys :)x#

June 2010
None of these have worked for me. Is there anything else I could do? :/

Bethany x
April 2010
Having the same problem :( I try for hours. i dont want to do the cleaning method because it sounds risky to my DS lite. HELPP MEEE!!! :(

March 2010
i repaired my daughters,put it in a new case as it got dropped and the hinge snapped and also fitted new touchscreen, got both parts for less than $10 and its as good as new...........

January 2010
Use a tooth brush to clean the space between the ds and the screen. Then use a cloth to clean off the rest of the screen.

January 2010
amy's answer really works !!!
you should all try it ,
just touch the x's but start off by clicking away from them and keep getting closer and closer to them until it works , if it dosent work then turn the DS off and start again, but you will know this isnt working if you have been clicking on the x's for about 5 mins, x

January 2010
My screen is completely out of line, i've tried endlessly on the settings bit where you have to tap the dot thing it moves but wont finish so i give up after about 15 minutes, even when i dont press it on the middle and press it completely the opisite direction it moves anyway so whats the point it doing that :L

i've tried cleaning it also.

December 2009
my ds doese that 2 we cant doss on games beckpouse of it e.gif we clickin the middle of the screen it would click somewere on the left alittle bit of the right side works and that is all

December 2009
|I tryed calibrating mine for hours with no sucsess. You have to tap the screen off the dot then get closer. Mine worked with about 10 taps =)

October 2009
I fiddled with my DS screen for ages, cleaning mostly, and it didn't work... but, the calibration seems to work with a 2/3 success. Try to do two of the marks on par with how the screen thinks it works, and correct the third one, just a bit closer to the precise mark. And do each mark closer and closer. until you reach perfection!

August 2009
mine wont calibrate, whenever i do the calibrate test ,it never get completed ... this is so annoying!!! on pictochat i cant write properly... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

HELP ME! already got new ds lite, but still trying 2 fix the old 1!!! I feel like i wanna smash it!!!


July 2009
I have tried this but it is just that I cannot complete the calibration test. If you ave any ideas on how to get the calibration test to go all the way through instead of the fist four times the dot moves, eeee--- mayle me on hoofstamper at yahoo dot co dot uk (NO SPACES, and the usual punctuation- im not supposed to put my email on this site!!!I probably wont go on this site again!!!!)

Kiaba'sSister - "Screw the rules, I have money!!!"
July 2009
Use a foamy cleaner but nothing to strong and use a clean new tooth brush to clean out any dirt. While doing this hold the ds so that the corner you are cleaning is at the top. Make sure your ds is turned off.
Afterwards dry it off with a kitchen tissue not a bathroom and then see what happens.
If this does not work then i do not know what to do.

July 2009
i would buy a new screen

bill figerson
March 2009
I know what the problem is. You probaly calbirated it before while doing that u messed it up and might need to get it repaired

January 2009
C K is right :) if you know how (its a simple enough job), you do need to clean around the edge of the screen. the dirt/grit may not be visible easily, but it pushes the edge of the touch sensor down a little, and makes it mis-read the position.

Yours sounds like its got a few grains of dirt on the left side, and its possible to use cleaning spray (foam cleaner usually, nothing too liquidy & NOTHING abrasive) on a SOFT toothbrush and brush down the left side. Take the battery off first, and hold the power button too to remove all power from the unit forst!! Just a basic engineering safety measure - better safe than sorry :)

After cleaning, run a soft paper tissue along the edge to soak up any excess wetness left, but really you dont want ANY wetness to be left.

Or take the base off, and take the insides out (disassembly guides are all over the internet), then gently clean both the screen edge, and also the casing plastic. Its sticky around the edge thats why it grips dirt and fails easily.

On mine, all characters are out further to the left (e.g. P gives P but G gives A etc. This is because the complete touch screen has been pressed down out of position :(
You need a TRI-WING screwdriver to take the base off the DS. All other screws including hte battery cover, are standard cross head type.

Good luck.

December 2008
im having the same problem :(

December 2008
i needto be fixed because the screen is not working

November 2008
if you get dirt around and under the screen frame this can cause the fault you are having.clean around screen edge under frame.there is a how to on the web but i can't find link again

November 2008
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