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Mend Neff Dishwashers

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Mend Neff

Fix Neff Dishwasher?

I have a Neff SH4443N6GB dishwasher. It lsuddenly eaves glass grey & things not very clean. Works better on 50degs than 65. Salt & rinse-aid OK. Cleaned filters & noticed a little black grease round the filter holder inside. Tried dishwasher cleaner, but the wash didn't even melt the top to let the cleaner out of the bottle, so maybe a heat problem? it does get hot, though can't tell it enough. Any ideas? How do you get at the thermostat, heater, etc and how do you test - I can use a multimeter. Can I repair it myself?

Graham Eastwood
November 2008
sorry filled in wrong place

November 2008
my dishwasher finished washing little red light came on to say it had finished but pump was still running and would not turn off until i pressed the switch off and when turned back on pump keeps running and cant select a program what can i do to fix it

kevin Tuke
November 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Click here to mend Neff dishwashers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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