You could have a "bra wire" problem. The damn stuff comes out and gets through the drainage holes in the drum and then gets jammed between the drum and its casing and sounds awful as the drum rotates. From past experience and I know this sounds daft but you can see it if you shine a torch into the drum and spin it by hand (you might have to put your head in a bit), it usually gets caught on the heater element or near the drain at the bottom. If it is there then you can try to fish it back through into the drum with a piece of metal coat hanger(bends quite easily) or something similar (I now have a piece of bra wire which works really well) It can be fiddly but I have saved a fortune doing it in the past (4 women in our house). If its near the drain this is easily accessible by removing the back cover panel that most machines have and taking the hose off(you may get a little water from it)and reach in to extract it. Good luck hope this helps.
Colin Anderson
November 2008