Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers

petrol engine?

12 hp briggs stratton petprol engine runs for several minutes and then breaks down

james vine
November 2008
Sounds like a fuel problem. REmove the fuel bowl, put a small container under the carb, turn on the gas and see if gas runs out without stopping. If it stops, you need to find out what stopped the fuel flow. I had a garden tractor do that and I found trash in the fuel tank. Cleaned the tank and no more problem.

November 2008
Several possibilities, in order of likelyness (is that a read word???)...

1) Restriction in fuel line (dirt, deterioration, or both)

2) Float hung up (likely if stood with old fuel in it)

3) Water in fuel

4) Igniton coil failure (hot fail)

Hope this helps

Phil Saunders
November 2008

November 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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