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Mend Ford Fiesta 1997

how can i fix my 1997 ford fiesta?

my 1997 ford fiesta's handbrake light comes on even when the handbrake is not in stays on whilst driving.Is there a serious problem with this? Ive also noticed a grinding noise coming from the back wheels when i brake..can you help? Im a new driver and dont have a clue about cars. thanks

October 2008
your light is staying on because your back brakes are worn out

October 2008
Hi Nicola,
The handbrake light also doubles up as a low brake fluid level warning light, which might also explain the noise from the rear drum brakes as if they are worn to the limit the fluid level would of gone down, so you need to get it checked out without delay, Quickfit do a deal that if they replace the brakes they will then replace them for the rest of the life of the car.

October 2008
Hi Nicola. From what you have said, it sounds like the back brakes (the only ones used when the handbrake is applied) have become stuck 'on' at some point. You will need to get them checked A.S.A.P.You may need just new rear brake pads or possibly new brake drums/discs if badly worn. Some of the big 'tyre' companies will do a free brake check.
Don't worry but do it soon as braking is seriously effected with only front brakes working.

October 2008
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