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Mend Kenwood Chef Food Processors

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Mend Kenwood Chef A701

Where is the capacitor on Kenwood Chef A701?

Hi, my Kenwood Chef A701 smells of burning electrical something when I switch it on, I've turned it upside down taken the cover vent off and found a black sausage shaped thing [capacitor?] thats soldered to a black larger cylinder shaped thing. I'm not stupid, I can fit kitchens, do plumbing etc but am I looking at the right end of the motor? I understand from other questions that I probably need to replace the triac, resistor and capacitor[s]. I want to have a go as I can solder but which is the business end? Thanks

George of Yorkshire
October 2008
kenwood chef repar kits for a901 and a701 can be found at kenwoodchefusedmixersandspares. portmick

December 2010
George, If it is the A701 model the black things you mention are a burnt out capacitor and resistor in the speed control unit. They are located at the bottom of the motor under a plastic cover. You should be able to find the parts on Ebay. Alternatively do a google search for Kenwood Chef spare parts. The parts you need are the same as the A701A model.

October 2008
the 701 dosnt use a Triac
there is 1 capacitor 1 large resistor 450 Ohm and a choke resistor
the resistor is available for about 16.00 I have seen a complete kit on ebay with all the parts needed try a search for kenwood motor repair

October 2008
Thanks for all of that. Its certainly a hot electric smell and not cakes cooking! Will phone Kenwood and I'm going to google a search for an exploded view of components. I'll replace the brushes while I'm replacing everything else. Thanks again George

George of Yorkshire
October 2008
I repaired a smelly Kenwood Chef years ago - the main issue was a build up of icing sugar around the commutator and brushes - that, and one of the nylon gears. kenwood customer services were excellent and sent me the gear COD - perhaps they still do this.

If the Triac (switches AC to control motor speed - 3 connections) is defective the motor speed control will not work. If the Capacitor is defective the motor probably won't start. If the resistor is open circuit or all burnt up then replace it. If the motor actually turns over and you can adjust the speed then none of the bits you mentioned is likely to be faulty.

Start by giving it a good clean up and see what happens. The symptom you describe suggests that the motor is running hot and will, if left like this, either burn itself out and/or cause one of the components you mentioned to fail. To replace all three on spec is like changing light bulbs before they fail...

Good Luck

October 2008
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