Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Countax Lawn Mowers

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Mend Countax

Countax C600H started motor clicking repeatedly?

The starter motor continually engages and disengages the flywheel every half-second. Starter and solenoid work fine on a test bench.

October 2008
Standard car-type battery charger will work - but the on-board charging system should be more than capable of keepount it charged. I would bet on a faulty battery - even if it is new.

Phil Saunders
October 2008
Phil, I think your right. This is a relatively new Countax, 6hrs use! Maybe the battery is not charging.

Any recommendations on variable voltage chargers for a sealed universal bettery?

October 2008
yeah Anthony your starter bendix is bad you need to replace the starter bendix and that should fix your problem.

October 2008
Your battery voltage is too low when under load. What is happening is the starter engages, the battery voltage reduces due to the starter current - to the point where the solenoid has insufficient power to hold it 'in', so starter disengages, voltage rises, and the cycle repeats.

Check all connections to the battery, and check engine earth cable. If all OK, replace the battery.

Phil Saunders
October 2008
Try disengageing the starter switch, pull off one of the wires to the starter, if it work ok replace it,

October 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Find out how to mend Countax lawn mowers

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Find out how to mend Countax lawn mowers