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Mend Ford Fiesta Heat Coming Into Car

no heat coming into car?

i have a ford fiesta mk 5 couier van tdi and they is no heat coming in i have chanage the thermostat new coolent vaule used flush to wash out engine also back flushed it and radiator and matrix heater when lefted to tick over got some warm air coming in but when driven only cold air someone said it might be matrix heater blocked in the viens even thoro wash it out until clean water run thoro it please help can't stand the cold many thanks

dj brown
October 2008
I have a 1994 Ford Aerostar Van, at first there seem to be a leak, coming from the center of the van, then it seem to leak off the shroud under the radiator, then the heat turned to cold air. I put pepper in the radiator and the leak stopped but the heat hasn't returned. I installed a thermastat which hasn't help. What should I do next?

Vickie Gurley
December 2009
I have a 1996 dodge avenger an i have no heat in my car the first day i brong it home from my dad house, the heat came on a lil bit it wasn't kickin out much but it warm up the car a lil. An my Radio want work an i changed the fuse for that only the lights come on.

January 2009
Hello DJ,
On some models there's one or two air bleed ports, once the system has been drained and refilled there can be pockets of air trapped in system.
If it has any of these--as the system is heating up, open them slightly to see if any air escapes.
Also, check to see if the radiator cap pressure is correct for your vehicle; the proper pressure is important.
You can feel heater hoses to see if there is a difference between them, if in-going hose is hot and out-going is cold or somewhat cooler, there could be a restriction in heater core. Check the top and bottom radiator hoses if you have flow, it should be cooled by the time water gets to lower hose, if it's hot--you might not have flow.
Some older model cars I've worked on in the past had a header bypass valve in heater hose in engine compartment which were controlled by the engine vacuum.
If you do not know the history on this car--someone could have put a type of radiator sealer in it.Not good!
Hope this helps

In Chist,

October 2008
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