Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Countax Work Fine 15

Countax cutters keep stopping?

I've got a C300H and whenever I start to use it, the cutters work fine for 15 minutes but then the clutch disengages itself and the cutters just stop. Occasionally I can restart them once or twice but in the end I have to give up. I've seen exactly this problem on the web before but I couldn't see an answer. Can anyone help?

September 2008
I had this problem on my C800HE & it turned out to be the charging system. When the battery gets below a certain point the electronic clutch disengages but the engine will start fine, so i would change the regulator first.

Hope this helps.

February 2011
THe clutch on this model is electrically operated and in designed to cut out either when you want the blades to stop deliberately via the rocker off switch on the dash or from a safety point of view- either way it could be a faulty PCB (printed circuit board) behind the dash, a faulty on/off switch or a faulty safety cut-out switch.

September 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Click here to mend Countax lawn mowers

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