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Mend > Home Heating Systems

Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems

Is it just me or?

..does no-one ever say "thanks" when you give them advice?

Do they even actually check back?!


September 2008
..and as for some of the DIYers, they need shooting. I'm happy to help with repressurising and stuff like that, or "what does this flashing light mean" but "I changed a fan now my boiler won't work" just makes you want to scream.

Or politely say "please may I have your address, I'll come and fix it for you" and then send Corgi round.

September 2008
Aye,it`s no wonder 80 or 90% of the questions asked on here go unanswered.

September 2008
its shocking, i answered a question 1 minute after posted and nothing back.... think they just post then go elsewhere.

still like the ones asked like "why won't my boiler heat hot water or central heating" no clue on system, manufacturer or anything.

September 2008
makes u wonder sign of the times

September 2008
I think its just YOU and ME. Some dont even ask in proper english and expect you to decipher their bad spelling and text slang as well. And they say the elderly are rude.

September 2008
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
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Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
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