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Mend Hitachi Computer Monitors

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Mend Computers, Computer Monitors

Hitachi 17" TFT switching off?

My Hitachi monitor has developed a fault whereby it will turn off (go into standby) after an irregular period of time and not turn back on unless the monitor is left off for a few minutes. The power button 'seems' to be working OK, but im not 100% sure.

Is there anything I can do with this?

Lee Jones
September 2008
Hi, this is probably a dry joint problem that only occurs when everything warms up, if you are ok with a soldering iron, then I would go over every joint on the back of the power pcb, if you can't use a soldering iron, then we will gladly have a look at it for you ( thanks

November 2008
Mend Computers, Computer Monitors
Find out how to mend Hitachi computer monitors

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Mend Computers, Computer Monitors
Find out how to mend Hitachi computer monitors