Ok. The Towa is a bit of a pain, as the notes say you need to link to departments as well.
Turn key to P mode
Type the PLU number to be changed on the numeric keypad, then press 'PLU' button.
Type new price (without decimal point)
Press the department button (Category buttons - normally next to the numeric keypad) which corresponds to the type of item you are changing.
Then press CASH.
I have not programmed these before, so I think that will do it. If you haev trouble understanding, just let me know.
As for the ER-A570,
Turn key to PGM2 mode.
Type 1210
Then press . (decimal point)
Then press X (multiplication. Sometimes labelled @/FOR)
Then type the PLU number to be changed (using the numeric keypad).
Then press X
Then type new price (no decimal point)
Then press ST (SUBTOTAL)
Then press TL (CASH)
Try those out.
September 2008