My Combi Boilers pressures 2 high its overflowing with water what do i do?
My combi boiler was empty, so i tried to refill it with water but filled it too full and now the pressure gage is on number 3 and water is overflowing everywhere...What do i do to lower the pressure?
if u ave check that the valve is defo turning off then the only other way for the pressure to creep back up is if the boiler is leaking water from the domestic side to the heating side. id tap the tap head of normaly black plastiec with a screw in the middle remove and pull off then check that it is actually in the off position
September 2008
We have exactly the same issue. We bleed a rad and allow some water out to get it back between 1 and 1.5 but the pressure creeps up again. We have checked the valves are shut (retightened again) but we keep repeating this process. Pressure just returns to 3 bar.... Any other ideas?
September 2008
Bleed the radiators to remove excess pressure down to the correct pressure the bleed screws are located at top of the radiators
Peugeot master technician /wants to Be a plumber
September 2008
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My Combi Boilers pressures 2 high its overflowing with water what do i do?