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Mend Rover 400 Cars

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Mend Rover 400 Handbrake Brake


i have just brought a rover 400 and the handbrake does not work at all, the brakes work but you have to push the brake peddle nearly to the floor. what could be the problem? i dont want to be ripped off by a garage.

August 2008
emma it could be a number of things, mercanics is realy a prosses of alimanation and in my exspereance with macanics they dont always no the problem strate off and sometimes when they say thay have fixed somthing thay havent or it works for a while but then it happens all over again, you could have something as simpel as brake dust blocking the mecanizem in the drums and/or handbrake cable could need tightning or replaceing,it could need bleeding or just topping up with brake flouid or depending on certin factors it could need a master cilender my best advise is to befrind a macanic as i have who you then can trust to give you help and advice and if thay are trougthfull thay will tell you the same as i have even there dialises michens dont always get the right fault firts symperthies are with you

September 2008
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Rover 400 cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Rover 400 cars