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Mend Briggs & Stratton Throttle Mower

throttle adjustment briggs & stratton quattro 40 mower engine?

I am unable to adjust the speed of the engine. The throttle cable is correctley adjusted, lots of movement, cable does not move the butterfly on the carb, butterfly has full movement when opened closed by hand, there is a spring from the throttle mech to the "link" that appears loose, does not do anything, could it be stretched ? Parts catalogue, shows 2 springs, should I have 2 springs ?, If so where does the other spring fit ?

Alan Cotterill
August 2008
I would like to see a photo of the springs attached because mine have been moved and it does not want to idle, how do i fix it?

December 2009
Thanks for the info, the spring was stretched, a new one makes things work just fine.

Alan Cotterill
September 2008
The 'loose' spring is the main govenor spring. With the engine stopped, and the throttle lever in 'FAST' position, this spring should (via the connection to the govenor link) pull the throttle butterfly wide open. If the engine was running, the air pressure from the rotating flywheel should move the link, opposing the spring tension, and progressively closing the throttle butterfly. When the 2 forces balance, the engine speed will stabilize. Therefore, more spring tension = more speed.

If the spring is definitely loose, even with the speed lever at FAST, then it's either severely stretched, or the wrong one is fitted. If it's stretched to the extent indicated, it will be obvious.

On these engines, the speed is adjusted by physically bending the moveable spring attechment that's connected to the speed control on the handlebars. Easy does it - increasing the spring length by 4MM will give an increase of about 500 RPM. Engine should top out at about 3600. Get an optical tachometer, unless you know what 3600RPM sounds like. The engine will self destruct at about 5500.

Phil Saunders
September 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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