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Mend Grass Trimmers

Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend > Grass Trimmers

Mend Properly Months Ago

my stihl strimmer fs55 will not run properly?

I brought an fs55 stihl strimmer about 18 months ago, it has never been a great starter but this season things have got much worse after alot of pulling I can eventually get it to run but after about twenty minutes it will cut out and not restart, I have various other two stroke tools for which i use the same 2 stroke mix without any probs so i know fuel is not the problem.

Jeff Stanton
August 2008
take out the spark plug and check for a spark hold the plug with insulated pliers whilst cranking if no spark get the coil tested most decent mower shops will charge about £5 for this no need to remove coil at this stage good luck

August 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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