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Mend Optima Home Heating Systems

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Mend Optima

optima 701 pressure rises when heatings on drops when off?

optima 701 was in when we moved in,we have had a few problems in the past with pressure releif valve needing changing,also flow meter corroding due to a very small leak ,thankfully all seems well ,but my question is simular to others ,when the heating is turned off the pressure hovers around 1.0bar to 1.5bar
water heats ok no problem ,but concerning me is when the heating is on the pressure will rise to 3.0bar ,it has never blown off to my knowing. is this how it should be? is it safe? do i need a new one?please advise.....

gordy h.
August 2008
fantastic only took me 30 mins
everything seems sound the pressure in the tank was nil this is because this has also been change in reasent years,the manual doent say about this being re-charged ,the pressure is holding at its flag around 1.25 bar
thanks everso much LTGF

gordy h.
August 2008
Somewhere on the boiler or system is a red expansion tank, have a look from on top of the boiler, they're usually at the back. Once you have found the expansion tank, locate the valve on the tank, its the same as the valve on your car tyres. Once you have found the valve, give the pin in the valve a quick press, if water comes out of it, you need a need expansion tank, if its just air then you need to re-pressurise the tank. You can do thing in two ways.

Way 1(the correct method)
if you have a drain tap on one of your rads (it looks like a ribbed tail) shove the garden hose on the drain point and open the tap, this is letting the (water) pressure out of your system, (its just the pressure/your not draining the hole system) so check the pressure gauge on the boiler, your looking for 0mb. Once the system is at 0mb, close the drain point off, take the car foot pump and pump the expansion tank to about 1mb. Open your filling loop and top the (water) pressure up in your boiler to 1 or 1.25mb. Your done.

Way 2.
This way will work but may take a be of trail and error. forget all about the drain point and dropping system pressure, and just use the foot pump to put a little pressure into athe expansion tank a little at a time (ignore the foot pump pressure gauge reading) So maybe do 2 or 3 pumps of the foot pump, put your heating on for 20 minutes and see what the (water pressure rises to) your looking for anything around the 2mb or 2,5mb mark, if it goes back to 3mb, put a bit more air in the expansion tank(2 or 3 pumps) and see what the boiler pressure gauge is reading after the 20 minutes or so, keep on repeating this until you get to 2mb or 2.5mb with the heat on. Job done.

As for it being dangerous, it the pressure getting high the blow off(PRV) will just let a little hot water out and should shut off again. hope this helps

August 2008
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
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