Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Countax Lawn Mowers

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Mend Countax Cutter Deck

Replacing Countax Cutter Deck Bearings?

Hi. I am in the process of replacing the leading (front) bearings on the cutter deck of my Countax ride on mower. So far I have removed the top cover, front belt pulley wheel and the blade. How do I now actually remove the spindle and bearings (which are completely solid)? Any thoughts would be welcome

July 2008
This is cobblers - the bearings can easily be knocked out of the housing and replaced with new - and these are cheap.

No need to replace the whole assy - this guy must get a rake-off from Countax!"


June 2015
The spindle is retained by 3 or 4 bolts (depending on model) from underneath.

There is every chance they will shear off when you try to unscrew them, but the spindle has to be replaced as an assembly anyway, so not a problem - but you will need some new bolts. Bearing replacement is a machine shop job.

Phil Saunders
July 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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