Pressure Low light indicates that pressure in system is incorrect, which I think has caused system to stop working. By opening water stop tap under boiler pressure clock rises but without instructions I am unsure what pressure setting should be.
Also check the pressure in the pressure vessel using a car tyre pump with a pressure gauge. The pressure in the vessel should be about 0.5 bar. If water comes out of the valve then the diaphragm has gone and the pressure vessel needs replacing (costs about £70)
September 2008
If the pressure on the gauge is 1 to 2 bar then the problem may be due to a faulty low pressure switch (costs about £20)
September 2008
when you repressurize any combi boiler it should be to between 1 and 1.5 bar.
its normal to have to repressurize every half year or so but if its having to be done very regular then you may have a leak somewhere.