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Mend Plate Fitted Switch

how can i fix my handa XR 125L 54 plate?

my bike won't start i just fitted a new kill switch as no power was going to spark plug or starter motor. It started the first time then ran for a bit and then cut out. Now it won't start i kept trying and it started again but sten stopped working again what can i do?

July 2008
first check that u wires in the correct places as u may not have wired up the ignition wires correctly. check that there is no blockage of fuel leading to the carb, if it is blocked clean it or replace it. check that the coil works by removing the whole coil and HT lead, put the coil mount onto your frame to earth the current the put the black wire from your coil onto the negative point of a car battery then use the HT lead and flick it past the possitive point of the battery. if it sparks the coil is fine, now try the same but using the negative wire on the condensor and flicking the possitive wire of the condensor onto the possitive point of the battery, if no spark replace the condensor (dont cost much and a car condensor will work in an emergency)

craig mcarthur
July 2008
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