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Mend Kenmore Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Kenmore 90 Series

leaking - Kenmore 90 series washer?

Very front on the bottom of the washer ... looks like a motor turning during filling ... small leak coming from where the motor is turning ... can the outside of the washing machine be re-moved to better access the motor and see closer where the leak is coming from ... and do you think i need to replace a part from the sounds of it ... or is it possible for a quick fix?

August 2005

From what you are descibing it sounds like it is leaking in the pump area but you won't know until you take the cabinet off and get a visual. I have a copy of instructions on how to remove the cabinet allthough this was for a lid switch problem the precedure is the same.

To get to the lid switch, first remove the plastic ends on your console (If you have them). Remove the two screws at each end if the front console and pull the console slightly forward and then flip it back and it will just rest there. Unplug the lid switch plug that was under the console. Remove the the two spring clips by sticking a straight screwdriver in them and pushing the handle of the screwdriver back towards the console. Now, to remove the cabinet stand in front of it and grab each side and rock it forward and the whole cabinet will come out as one piece. The lid switch is located inside the cabinet. I hope this info helps you.

August 2005
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