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Mend Boiler Tripping Out

Why is my Danesmoor boiler tripping out?

I have a Danesmoor 26/32 Utility oil fired boiler c/w Electro Oil Sterling burner (2002). It keeps tripping out intermittently. It might run for a day or so then "pop". We've rerouted the oil line into a BM347 oil lifter and by passed the Tiger Loop (to separate the boiler from the Aga) but still the problem persists. The contractor has checked the boiler and all seems OK. Has anyone out there had a problem with this boiler? It was discontinued in Dec 07. Could it be the circuit board?

George Phillips
July 2008
have had this before and turned out the be the solenoid intermittantly working

July 2008
I think the first thing to do is to check the oil pump pressure - normally they run between 110 and 150 psi. The burner will only run as expected if the combustion areas and flue are clean, and the burner nozzle is recent. Your system is probably cutting in and out with regular automatically re-ignites if it blows out, but only within a specific time period. Maybe the thing just needs a service?

July 2008
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
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