Dirty burner, ffd phial in the wrong place or faulty ffd
December 2011
how can i repair thelow oven flame
william warnock
March 2010
i am a corgi engineer and would say the fsd is failing to operate correctly.
Simon (Pure Gas)
November 2008
not ffd if flame stays on.it is the oven thermostat
October 2008
Had the same problem myself. Changed the FSD unit but it didnt solve the problem. Read the manual - it reminded me that the control knob should be pushed in before turning. Have been doing this - doesnt solve the problem most times BUT if I turn the oven off after the (low) flame has been alight for a minute or so and immediately turn it on again all is well (may have to do this a few times). Wasted two FSD's before I discovered this. I was sidetracked into thinking that the FSD was faulty because it was possible to persuade the device to work by heating it with a blow-torch!
Ken Lewis
July 2008
FFD broken needs replacing. no doubt about it
June 2008
FFD broken needs replacing. no doubt about it
June 2008
the fsd is knackered or the sensing phial is not in the flame