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Mend Kenmore Washing Machines

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Mend Kenmore Water Running Washer

water wont stop running?

I have a Kenmore 70 series washer and i have had this problem happen on 2 kenmores.
when it hit a certain point at the beginning the water keeps running and the cycle stops except for the water but it doesnt get any fuller.
How can i fix this or do i need some one to fix it for me,or is it not fixable?
On my other washer I could only do medium loads cause it would do this when i wanted to do full loads

Cindy Brown
August 2005

I'm a little confused. You said your " cycle stops, but the water keeps filling, but doesn't get any fuller". Does the water eventually shut off but at a different level than you chose?

August 2005
check that the drain hose is not syphoning the water out of the tub ie make sure that it is not too low and pushed into the waste pipe too far

August 2005
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