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Mend Mikomi Televisions

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Mend Mikomi Power Blew Up

power adaptor blew up?

how can i mend my mikomi 15in lcd tv power adaptor? as it's a sealed unit can it be mended or do i need a replacement? where can i get a replacement?

June 2008
Powers supplies are usually not repairable. If it is sealed NOT NOT attempt to repair it. Mikomi is (despite its exotic eastern sounding name) an Argos Own Brand so you need to talk to Argos about spares. Good Luck!

Alternatively take the old one to Maplins and ask the staff three for an equivalent.

June 2008
First check any replaceable fuses in the psu and the plug (check the power socket too!). 2) check under any labels for hidden screws that may allow the psu to be opened. 3) If you are competent and you can get inside the psu, check any fuses inside. somtimes these are small components near power input identified as "F1" "FZ" etc. Before checking, make sure that the psu is not pluged into the mains and check components with a multi meter. Most of the time, it is cheeper just to get a replacemet PSU if the fault is not obvious. Most TV/Monitors work off 12Vdc. Replacement PSUs can be bought from Electronic factors (Farnell, CPC, RS, Maplin, Radio Shack etc). Take along the PSU with you if there is a depot near you. If not, you will need the voltage out (V) and is it AC or DC (Vac, Vdc) and the Current, (A). You will need a replacement PSU with the same "V" output and the same "A" or better output and the same plug for the TV. Finaly you will need to check the polarity of the PSU. Usualy there is a diagram on the PSU label which explains this. If not, you will need a tech who will be able to work it out for you. Armed with this information you should be able to replace the PSU.

June 2008
Mend Video, Televisions
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Mend Video, Televisions
Free repair help for Mikomi televisions