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Mend Diplomat Freezers

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Mend Diplomat Freezer Free Model Three

Your comments on Diplomat fridge freezer frost free APM6855?

I have an integrated Diplomat Frost Free fridge freezer Model No apm6855. Three times I have noticed the fridge fixing at a high temperature which I cant adjust. I have called engineers and apparently frost builds up at the back of the freezer which when removed enables the fridge to function properly.The engineer called a week ago and I have the same problem again.I have learned that other people with this appliance have the same problem, surely this is a manufacturing fault which is unacceptable Your comments please.

Mrs C May
May 2008
We have been having the same problem for a while until a neighbour of mine gave me the contact details of a company who use to servive these appliances on the behalf of mfi in the london and surrey area they came out and found and replace the faulty part which was the defrost heater all fine since.

March 2013
I can't believe the answer. so you have to turn off the power for 2 days. what about the food? throw it all away?
I have mislayed my manual but I know I have reset the temperature several times in the past (having had to turn off the mains power) by following the manuals simple instructions which takes about 30 seconds. Someone must have a manual. I shall have to call Howdens tomorrow and hope to gert it sorted.

December 2011
1) Switch off from mains for 2 days.
2) turn it back on after that (do not open the doors at all)
3) Leave it for 6 hours, (as if new)
4) it will re-set itself back on again.
Co. called DMK was very helpful and advise the above.

April 2011
Maria, again but this time with a solution, for your Diplomat Fridge-freezer model APM 6855-1. I called a co. called DMK (after hours of calling everybody, even the kitchen suppliers, Howden's, no luck, pushed from pillar to post, but eventually I got the right people to talk to) who were very helpful 01920444020. The dreaded 'H' was showing on the electronic dial, but is now working. 'H' means too hot. Defroster gets too hot, too sensitive & switching itself off, even though the freezer was still working. Solution:-
1) switch off from mains for 2 days, then switch it back on again and after 6 hours it should re-set itself again, mine did. An engineer would cost £72 + VAT. So hope this will help all of you who got the above model. Good luck - Maria

April 2011
Diplomat Integrated fridge-freezer APM6855-1 I have the same problem the dreaded 'H' still the freezer is working. I honestly don't know what to do. I bought it at Howden's just over 3 years ago, it was part of the kitchen package. Thanks God all the other appliances are Hotpoint and Bosch. Has anyone bought a replacement? Need one that fits in the same housing? Please advise, I will not be able to wait but it might help other people with the same problem

April 2011
Solution works! Thank you Tim!

January 2011
Yes, I've got the post-MFI Diplomat FFreezer Syndrome too...recurring problem, have lost several freezers worth of food over the short period of time since it was fitted (thank you MFI - NOT!)
Has just happened again, 1 week before Christmas, that's it my decision is made - new appliance required, DEFINITELY NOT DIPLOMAT!!!

Lorraine from Clydebank
December 2010
Same problem as everybody else. APM6855 fridge freezer. Appliance supplied by howdens, 2years ago thanks to reading everybodys comments this has saved us a call out charge. will contact trading standards

August 2010
I have found this link to help mend the problem, I have yet to try it so don't know if it will work but here's hoping.

I hope this helps

June 2010
just moved into our new house and have this horrible fridge freezer which is doing the H.. have turned off and defrosted etc .. could anyone tell me what other fridge to buy which will fit?

April 2010
Jim, can I ask which Hotpoint model you replaced it with, or can anyone recommend a same size replacement? I am having the H problem with my apm6855, on and off. It is worse than a bad relationship, not knowing what to expect when you go home at night, lol!

May 2009
Just had the same problem on unit just under 2 years old. Based on the posts here I am going to cut my losses and buy a non Diplomat replacement.

One word of warning, although the temperature display shows an acceptable temperature in the freezer compartment, BE CAREFUL, I checked this with a thermometer and the temperature is much higher (especially in the top draw) than that displayed.

April 2009
I have just had the same problem the freezer is working fine but fridge is warm and displays H the appliance was in my flat when I bought it new just under 2 years ago. I didn't expect to be replacing any white goods so soon. Avoid Diplomat I say. Will be complaining to trading standards and watchdog.

Mark (Bristol)
March 2009
Oh great, the APM6855 was in the house when I bought it (October) and is now displaying the fault everyone is talking about. I haven't decided if the kitchen was fitted by cowboys or a DIY fit - some aspects are right and others just appalling. Either way I have no receipt and no idea if it was direct from MFI or through an outfitter, but I doubt if it makes a difference since MFI went bust last year.

Looks like a service call out will be a waste of money so my options would seem to be to replace it or see if I can re-engineer it myself with a bigger pipe from the freezer compartment to the fridge, now where did I put my thermodynamics textbook?

Seriously though I think I'll be replacing it and putting it out in the garage as a second freezer (since the freezer compartment works fine).

So far I have had no problems with any of the other Diplomat appliances, but a bit of background reading suggests that they are all from different manufacturers, some of them actually quite reputable?

Jim (now even grumpier)
February 2009
This as just happened to me, appliance only 18 months old then one morning the fridge displayed H (freezer working fine). We switched off the machine for 48 hours but still not working. I rang an independant engineer and he says it will be cheaper to replace it in the long run, so I took his advice and ordered a Hotpoint (I'm staying well clear of Diplomat).

Sharon from Warrington
February 2009
Hello all, I have had the same problem as everyone else on this fridge freezer. Its just 6 months out of warranty. I spoke to the trading standards people and they said that under the sale of goods act 1979, goods sold have to be free from minor defects. All you have to do is prove that the retailer or manufacturer has sold you a faulty item. This is done by getting an independent report from an engineer who has been called out to repair the same fault on a few of these fridges - so any one of the engineers you have all contacted would be fine. The supplier then has to repair it, replace it, or offer a partial refund. You have 6 years to make this claim. If you don't get anywhere on the phone, make sure they are aware you will be sending a letter and the report in the post, and you are prepared to pursue the matter to its conclusion. Then send the letter and the report. YOu can get your local trading standards office to send you a template letter which you can adjust to suit your specific problem (get this from, type in your postcode, contact your local office by phone, tell them the problem and ask them to send you a template letter by email) - once the retailers.manufacturers lawyers see it, they should start to cooperate. I hope this is helpful. Would somebody mind passing on the name of their engineers so i can contact them, to get this report? Thanks very much and good luck. Rachel.

Rachel T.
February 2009
we have just replaced our 18month old diplomat fridge freezer. it was bought as part of an mfi kitchen and so we cannot complain to them as they have gone bust (not surprisingly!) we got a candy frost free integrated fridge freezer from currys. Imagine our horrror when we had it delivered, opened it up and it is exactly the same as the diplomat - just rebadged! waiting for it to go wrong too now as this model is clearly just a heap of junk

Emma Morgan
January 2009
Yes, I think there definately is a problem here. I have had the same problem and I am on my second replacement fridge-freezer. I have had my fridge-freezer repaired 3 times and finally it was deemed not to be working and Howdens replaced it. Yeah, they don't want to give you the money back but willing to replace and hope you don't have the same problem. Well with this second fridge-freezer, the same probblem has arose.

The best thing to do is call your nearest local trading standards and obtain advice from them. Untill the makers of Diplomat are named and shamed unfortunately more consumers will be left with similar problems while Diplomat continue to reap the profits.

Honestly, try the trading standards or watchdog and hopefully the more people report this then something can be done about it and we can get our money back and the manufacturers close up!

helping hand
January 2009
we have just moved into a rented property which has diplomat appliances.These are brand new but upon moving in had to have an engineer out to fix a wiring problem with the cooker which originated from the manufacturers and now after 4 weeks the fridge freezer has stopped working and as with others on this web site the freezer works but not the fridge which was running hot.we switched it off for 5 days and as i had guessed it worked.Because it is a new house the appliances were bought in advance by the landlords so they are now out of warranty.they have had to pay for a call out charge for the cooker and they were told i would have to wait a week before and engineer would be able to call,but without even seeing the appliance i recieved by courier a replacement display circuit board, do they know something i dont ? What i do know is that this problems stems from the manufacturer who is italian from what i have read up on and it seems that it is not only diplomat they supply to.All i can say is that the 1st four weeks in my new house have been the most stressfull i have ever exsperienced, all thanks to mfi ( thank god they are shutting shops ) and diplomat lets hope trading standards look into this rough shod companies who take our money but offer shoddy goods.

November 2008
We bought a Diplomat double oven/hob/dishwasher and fridge freezer APM6855 just over year and half ago. Already the double oven has had to be replaced and now the fridge freezer has the same fault as the other complaints. The freezer is still working but the fridge will not cool down, just says H and the light goes off. We have contacted the supplier, they are not interested as its outwith warranty by only 6mths. Diplomat are saying they are unaware of this problem, despite me giving this web address!! Trading Standards say that unless others complain to Diplomat there is nothing they can do either. Surely, if enough of us complain about this - what appears to be a design fault they will surely have to recall this model and stop us having to call out engineers or worst still buy a replacement. I certainly will not be buying another Diplomat appliance. I am just keeping everthing crossed that nothing else decides to breakdown. My old fridge freezer - which I have kept in the garage is an Indesit - its over 19 years old and still going strong!!! Would recommend Indesit anyday!.

Mrs Cameron - October 2008
October 2008
I wouldn't recommend that anyone buy any Diplomat appliances! I have just had the same problem on my fridge/freezer (fridge going to 'H' and being unable to reset it). I had a new kitchen fitted 3 years ago by Howdens (part of MFI) and had a Diplomat oven, fridge/freezer and dishwasher. The oven blew up a few months ago - the inside door exploded while the cooker was on and there was glass all over the kitchen floor. I now have a Hotpoint oven! I think the only reason that the dishwasher is still working is that we don't use it very much!! Steer well clear of Diplomat.

Mrs M Robertson
August 2008
We also have the same problem. Our engineer said that the pipe from the freezer that sends the cold air into the fridge is too narrow on this model. This causes frost build up and stops the fridge from working. The engineer said that once this starts happening it will be a reoccuring problem. We also believe this is a manufacturing defect and has cost us not only the call out fees but the contents of our fridge twice in 4 weeks.

Elaine from London
June 2008
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