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Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems

john, t, cloudy dhw???

what are in your opinions the causes for cloudy water. im aware of the calcium bicarb turning into carb creating carbon dioxide in the process and hence all the milky bubbles.

are there any other contributing factors ie taps?, pipework? water hardness etc etc

ive fitted 5 of the same boilers (exact make/model) in a few weeks and only 1 giving the milky bubblyness, which is a bit off putting for the customer/user.

picking ya brains and experience--every days a school day unless your a teacher and on strike/holiday/training day/stress related leave..............

April 2008
mains cold clear, and dhw dont clear that quickly. seems to be worse on downstairs tap hence the tap query.

April 2008
Hi Iain,

Is the mains cold also cloudy? does the cloudiness quickly disseapear if a glass of it is poured?

If so, it is over oxegenation of the water, nothing more that oxygen bubbles (very small ones)

April 2008
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