Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Pull Rope Start

can't pull the rope to start?

The mower is BRIGGS AND STRATTON 35 Classic

i was mowing lawn. stopped to pick up something in the way and could never pull the chord to start the engine again. it pulls out some but not to the point to get it started. what couls be wrong with it?

Can someone help please. Thanks

Mrs Kaur
April 2008
If this is a rotary machine, you need to check that the blade can rotate - make sure that you unplug the spark plug before attempting this.
The rotary blade turns with the motor in most cases so if you cannot get it to rotate then the engine is jammed.

Robert Welsh
May 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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