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Mend Escort Cars

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Mend Escort Starting Error Code

Escort 1.4 PTE not starting, PATS error code 1:3?

Escort 1.4 PTE
Since allowing the battery to go completely flat while doing some repairs I haven't been able to get any response from turning the ignition key, even with new battery, and am assuming it's something to do with the immobiliser/PATS
I get a flashing sequence from the PATS led under the clock of 1:3, does anyone know what this means ?

April 2008
Thanks Nigel, I get this even with the red key is that likely ?
Any idea what the easiest/cheapest solution is ?

Thanks Ash

April 2008
Hi Ash, code 13 is key code not received, cause key obscured by other keys or key damaged/faulty

April 2008
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