Check the screens where the water enters your unit. Remove the hose from the spigot and make sure the screens there are clean. If they are then I would syuspect the water inlet solinoids. This should be checked by a service tech or a good handy prerson.
The unit is supposed to have water sloshing around with the clothes. If the clothes are just soggy that isnt enough water. There are water pressure boosting tanks that you can have install\ed. They are similar to the pressure vessels that are used for most private well systems. Probably run you about 150 quid for a small tank. It would be worth the expense if you have a dishwasher also. Any unit that uses water will be adversly affected if your water pressure is not high enough. This includes things like tankless water heaters, washers, dish washers, regular water heaters under 50 gallons, radient heat systems, boiler systems, etc.
Hope this helps.
Best, The Home Smithy
Ask for me at, Home Improvement section
The Home Smithy
October 2008