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Mend Notebooks/Laptop PCs

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Mend > Notebooks/Laptop PCs

Mend Battery Ac Laptop

How can i charge my battery?

My ac adapter pin at the rear of my inspiron 1300 laptop is faulty (loose). As a rsult i am unable to charge the battery in order to turn it on. Is there any way of charging the battery externaly as there is info that i need to retreive of the laptop. I have been told that i cannot replace the pin at the rear and that i would need to replace the mother board

April 2008
chances are the ac socket is soldered onto the motherboard, or an stip of connections, if you are handy with a screwdriver and soldering iron then you could change it yourself, maplins may be able to provide a connection.

PC world offer the TECH GUYS who can back up your hard drive, alternativly look for the 2.5 IDE to USB connections on the internet and then you could run the laptop hard drive (after removing the bottom pannels and switch 2 cables) as an external drive on your other pc, leaving you to back up your work and use the harddrive again for storage later. You could then even place the hard drive in an external box for future (


Jonathan Pugh
April 2008
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