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Mend Cannon Gas Cookers

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Mend > Gas Cookers

Mend Cannon Heat Settings Bottom

Cannon Chichester 10575G main oven will not vary heat settings?

Bottom main oven ignites but will not increase to selected gas mark setting - constant "slow cook" no matter what number heat setting selected. Can anyone advise of part required and location of existing part to replace? Help is appreciated!!!

Tony Musson
April 2008
Sorry Tony, I called you John, This oven is making me go mad!.

April 2008
Hi John
I have exactly the same problem with my oven as you.
I wondered if you have managed to find ou anything, as I have no clue either.
Regards, Jennie

April 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Find out how to mend Cannon gas cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Find out how to mend Cannon gas cookers