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Mend Optima Home Alarm Systems

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Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Optima House Button Pressed


My house alarm is beeping randomly (as if a button is being pressed) and obviously its annoying - can anyone tell me how to fix this please

March 2008
our ade accenta compact alarm keeps 1 bleep the alarm is not on but stil 1 bleep when walk near senser

August 2016
Hi could any one help,

i have a ade optima compact home alarm, i was replacing the guttering and accidentally caught the bell box, the alarm went off , i have swicthed the alarm of by entering the code, how ever the tamper warning light stays on and the key pad is locked, it wont let me press reset to switch the tamper light off, at first i found the micro switch had a loose connection, once i sorted that out, the alarm worked fine, until i went back to fitting the gutter, same thing happended again, and now the alarm wont go off, i have disconnect the power source,

is there a second tamper switch on the bell box ?

can anyone help,
also anyone know were i can purchase a micro switch for this model

December 2013
Hi Lee

Sounds like the battery is on it's last legs. The panel is designed to lock out on power up if there is a tamper condition present (cover off in this case). When you close all the tamper switches the thing should come back to life. Regarding the beeping, did it stop when the panel was depowered? if so, try looking for smoke detectors that have a low battery. If not then see if you can get between the pad and the membrane to see if there is anything in there. if its all clear, look to see if the membrane is damaged.

March 2008
Cheers Mike

I did remove the fuse to see if it was the battery that wasnt keeping charge and the power light went really dim, when I re-inserted the fuse to the power, the pad didnt work at all and neither did things like the panic alarm. So I opened the unit and disconnected the battery, this then set off the alarm. When I reset things the alarm panel was working again but the random beep is still audible - although the alarm appears to work fine (it is the rubber key pad type that illuminates green)

Any further help would be really appreciated

PS: If the power is removed as well as the battery will my normal code still be "remembered" when I put it back together again?

March 2008
If it's the one with the black keys and red stipes, then it probably is doing as you say. ADE has now gone and the Optima series isn't supported anymore, so spares will be sketchy. If it's the rubber button version then you may need to open it up (turning off the mains first) and check to see if there is anything between the buttons and the membrane

March 2008
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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