why wont my peugeot speed fight 2 go properly!??? :(:(:(?
hi ive just brought a peugeot speedfight 50cc with a 70 kit on it first day when i went 2 pull of it just wouldnt! entill i tried again 2nd day pulls of very slowly with huge moan but it wont go any faster than 40kmh without sounding like its in the wrong gear even if it doesnt have any. i contacted the kiddy i brought it from and he reckons the rollers were shagged could this cause wat i have described cheers :) thanks for your time
has it got a bigger carb on it or has it got the standerd carb wich called something like gurtler or sumin if its gt the standerd 1 it cd be tht ur speedfight is running weak and needs a bigger carb on it normaly when a big bore kit is fitted its normaly needs a bigger carb or a massive rejet but yes like u sed it cd need lighter rollers in there but sounds to me as if its the carb
nick muller
March 2008
Take it back to the kiddy and get your money back,he probably knew it was faulty when he sold you it.
March 2008
I can answer this question...
why wont my peugeot speed fight 2 go properly!??? :(:(:(?